Sunday, April 5, 2015

0 How to Install Japanese Font in Linux

Japanese font is not installed by default in Linux (as i experienced).
For example, if you have a file with japanese font name, it might not visible - just white blank space.
So, here is simple way how to install japanese font on your linux machine.

1. Goto terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T)
2. type the following command :

Ubuntu/Debian :
# apt-get install fonts-takao-mincho 
# aptitude install -P fonts-takao-mincho
# apt-get install fonts-takao

Fedora :

# yum install fonts-japanese

Arch Linux :

# pacman -S ttf-sazanami

3. Enter, input Y if prompted!
4. Wait until installation is complete
5. You should see your japanese character now, e.g. in Rhythmbox, when you have song with jap font, which previously unseen, now it should visible!

- Ignore hash ( #) when you write the command!
- If you have permission issue / something like permission denied add "sudo" before the command, and then enter your password, it should look blank, keep typing your password, it's normal!
      your command should be like " sudo apt-get install fonts-takao "

If you have questions, just leave a comment! Thank you


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